Pizza night, Pierogi night, and uh soup.

Jacob Aronoff

Pizza night


We've both been craving pizza and I've really been missing Picco. So this was a pan pizza to maybe make up for it. I did this two nights in a row, the first night I slightly under baked it, so the second night I baked it without the sauce on and it was farrr better. For the pizza, I used the leftover sauce from the papparadelle, added some vegan labneh, some sauteed and seared brocolli rabe and topped with some chives.

Pierogi night


Using the last bit of that bolognese, I made a simple pierogi dough with some flour, vegan butter, and warm water. I then let it rest, rolled it out and then we both filled them up. I did a simple pan fry, boil, and fry again.

Soup night


Finally, I saw this recipe on youtube, seemed simple enough so I decided to make it tonight. I made a few changes though. Instead of harissa, I added in some chilis in adobo, some zaatar, some celery, and finally instead of just pouring over some bread I added some bread as it simmered to thicken. Towards the end of the cook time, I removed some of the solids (chickpea, garlic, celery) and blended the soup with an immersion blender for a better texture and wow. This was really incredible. I garnished with a dollop of vegan sour cream, plenty of cilantro, some fried shallots and garlic oil. Really spicy but kind of addictive.